
strong disagreement中文什么意思

发音:   用"strong disagreement"造句
  • 强烈反对
  • strong:    adj. 1.强壮的,有力的,有膂力的;强健的;巩固的, ...
  • disagreement:    n. 1.不一致,不调和;差异。 2.异议;不和,争论。 ...
  • showing strong disagreement:    表示较强烈的反对
  • disagreement:    n. 1.不一致,不调和;差异。 2.异议;不和,争论。 3.不适合,有害。 a disagreement between accounts 账目不一致。
  • in disagreement with:    和-不一致
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  1. You would expect that there would be strong disagreement about this
  2. You would expect that there would be / there to be strong disagreement about this
  3. Showing strong disagreement
  4. Kim ' s note : this is a one - hundred percent american sentence ! use it to show strong disagreement and you will definitely sound like a native speaker
  5. Generally funds evaluation of china can be categorized into 3 tiers . tier one is the lowest level that only considers if the funds return can < wp = 7 > overstep equity market benchmark index performance without taking any risk into account . tier two is represented by a funds rating report issued by a finance magazine , which has several serious drawbacks in its rating methodology and sparks strong disagreements on its rating result
    三个层次都存在着许多缺陷不足,主要表现为基准选择误差( benchmarkerror )问题,没有对基金进行风格类型细分,不同类型的基金混用一个模式标准比较,基金评价中运用的技术、指标还不完善全面,数据处理和测算过程不够规范严谨,评价结果的可信程度受到影响。


        strong:    adj. 1.强壮的,有力的,有膂力的;强健的;巩固的, ...
        disagreement:    n. 1.不一致,不调和;差异。 2.异议;不和,争论。 ...
        showing strong disagreement:    表示较强烈的反对
        disagreement:    n. 1.不一致,不调和;差异。 2.异议;不和,争论。 3.不适合,有害。 a disagreement between accounts 账目不一致。
        in disagreement with:    和-不一致
        agreement and disagreement:    表达同意和反对; 同意和不同意; 赞同和不赞同; 赞同与不赞同
        disagreement index:    偏差指数
        disagreement set:    不一致集合
        disagreement with management:    与经营的不一致
        holiday disagreement:    度假之争
        minor disagreement:    小争执
        moral disagreement:    道德分歧
        point of disagreement:    不同意见, 异议
        simple disagreement:    简单的反对语
        be strong:    坚强些
        be strong in:    长于..
        not strong:    不强壮
        strong:    n. 斯特朗〔姓氏〕。 adj. 1.强壮的,有力的,有膂力的;强健的;巩固的,坚牢的,坚固的;坚强的(性格等);强烈的,猛烈的(感情、风等)。 2.富有的,有财力的,资力雄厚的;有势力的;强大的,优势的;(兵员)总数达…的。 3.强硬的,热心的;效力强的;烈性的,厉害的,浓烈的(饮料);刺鼻的。 4.不易消化的(食物等),麸质多的;黏土多的;【农业】土质肥沃的。 5.【商业】坚挺的,上涨的;【语法】强变化的 (opp. weak )。 6.能力强的,擅长的。 a strong case 有力的主张。 a strong man 强壮的人;果断[有魄力]的人。 the strong 强者;健康的人。 the stronger sex 男性。 How many strong are you 你们有多少人? I have a strong hold over it. 我紧紧把握着它。 an army 10000 strong 一万人的一支军队。 a strong situation (文艺作品中)动人的情节。 strong language (咒)骂人的粗话。 strong meat 难消化的肉。 Markets are strong. 行情坚挺。 How strong are you 〔美国〕你有多少钱? be strong against 坚决反对。 be strong in 擅长。 be strong under 在…下坚定不移。 by the strong arm [hand] 用极大的力量,靠力量,用暴力。 have a strong head 酒量大。 many millions strong 千百万。 one's strong point 一个人的特长,优点。 strong for 〔美俚〕坚决赞成。 take a strong root 把根扎牢。 adv. 坚强地,有力地,大大地,猛烈地。 come it strong =go it strong 〔俚语〕大干,盲干,拼命干 ( That is coming it rather strong. 太过分;非分要求)。 go strong 〔口语〕健康;旺盛;吃香;强硬。 put it strong 骂,说得刻薄。 adv. -ly
        strong for:    极其偏爱
        strong will:    坚强的意志
        the strong:    强者必胜
        disagreement between pulse and syndrome:    反四时
        disagreement between pulses and seasons:    四塞
        evade disagreement or conflict:    避免冲突
        expressing agreement and disagreement:    表达同意和不赞同; 表示同意和反对


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